MRBR: Release Blocked Invoices in SAP
An invoice request is blocked for payment until its manually released. You can release the invoice by using t-code MRBR.
How to Release Blocked Invoices
Step 1)
- Execute t-code MRBR.
- On the initial screen enter the company code and invoice number.
- Check the release method (release manually if you want to process it in the second screen). This can be done choosing Automatically (please note the difference with automatic release in MIRO transaction being blocked and automatic release in t-code MRBR as those are two different things).
- Our document has a manual payment block, so we will select that option. Execute.
Step 2)
- Select the invoice you want to release.
- Click on the flag icon – release.
You can see that now the invoice has Status field filled with green flag – it means,it is released to FI.
Financial department should now be able to see the invoice ready for payment.